Thursday 13 November 2014


Whoso recites this surah every Friday Allah would raise him in the company of prophets on the day of judgement, no sin would be recorded in his register of deeds and he would have a smooth sailing during the final reckoning.
Whoso recites this surah, Allah would give him recompense equal to the number of people who had testified or belied the prophets of Allah; and the recompense and favours given to martyrs; and an easy reckoning.
YUSUF (12)
Whosoe recites this surah every day he would not encounter any distress on the day of judgement and would be among the virtuous servants of Allah; and would be as beautiful as prophet Yusuf.
Whoso recites this surah is kept safe from adultery, and unlawful sexual activity.
AL RAD (13)
Whoever recites this surah often times lightning would never srike him; if he loves Ali and Ahl ul Bayt, would go into paradise without reckoning; he would have the entitlement to intercede on behalf of his friends and relatives.
Whoever recites this surah, his reward would be equal to the number of clouds which have passed over the earth (countless, innumerable); and on the day of reckoning he would be among those who had fulfilled their promise made with Allah.
If this surah is written on paper after praying salat tahajjud and hung on the door of a tyrant he would die soon.
Whoever recites this surah on Friday in 2 rak-ats and surah Hajr in 2 rak-at would never live in poverty, never go insane, nor would he ever experience fright, nor confusion.
Whoever recites this surah, in his register, good deeds, equal in number to the people who had worshipped idols and who had not worshipped idols, would be recorded.
Whoso writes this surah on a piece of white cloth and ties it on the arm of a child, that child would not cry, weep and scream; and would not feel pain in teething and weaning.
AL HIJR (15)
Whoever recites this surah good deeds equal to the number of muhajirin and ansar would be written in his record of deeds.
Whoever writes this surah with saffron on a china plate, washes it with clean water and gives it to a woman who has no milk she, after drinking it, would have enough milk and she, after drinking it, would have enough milk to feed her child.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears on his body there would always be gain and profit in business dealings.
AL NAHL (16)
Whoever recites this surah regularly every month, would not have to take loan, and remain safe from seventy kinds of calamities, insanity, leprosy and leucoderma being at the bottom of the list of such calamities; and his abode would be in the centre of paradise.
Whoso recites this surah, he would be exempted from giving account of the bounties Allah had bestowed upon him; and if he dies on the same day in which he has recited this surah, he would get the reward of a man who dies after making his will for the lawfully earned wealth and property.
Whoever recites this surah every day would come back in this world alongwith the Living Imam.
Whoever recites this surah, with love of parents in his heart, Allah would give him bounties equal to this world and twelve times of whatever is in this world.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it would get rid of stammering and fluently pronounce each and every word; also his intelligence and understanding would improve.
Whoso writes this surah on a green silk piece of cloth and hang it around his neck, his expertise as marksman would be of the highest standard.
If a child does not speak as a normal child should, write this surah on a china plate with saffron, wash it with clean water and give it to the child to drink, inshallah the child would start speaking.


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