Friday 14 November 2014

AL KAHF (18) to SURE TA HA (20)

AL KAHF (18)
Whoever recites the last part of this surah would wake up at whatever time he plans to wake up. It serves as an alarm clock.
Whoever recites this surah every Friday night he would atone for his omissions and inadvertencies committed during the period connecting two Fridays.
Whoso recites on Friday night verse 110 of this surah, there would be a light for him covering the distance upto Kabah and Bayt al Muqaddas and it would seek forgiveness for him throughout the night, and after death he would be raised among the group of martyrs.
Whoever writes down this surah on of paper and inserts it in a glassbottle and keeps this bottle in the house, poverty would not come near him nor there would be any need to take loan; and mischief mongers would not harass him.
If the bottle with written surah Kahf, as mentioned in (iv) is kept in the godowns where grains are stored, they would be protected from every type of harmful creatures which destroy grains.
Whoso recites this surah regularly would see that his dreams about wealth and children come true before he dies; and on the day of judgement would rise among the companions of prophet Isa.
Whoever recites this surah, good deeds equal to ten times the number of people who attribute a son to Allah and those who testify or belie prophets Zakariyyah, Isa, Musa, Ismail, Ibrahim, Is-haq and Yaqub.
Whoever recites this surah a choice place in paradise would be given to him; and he would be resurrected with the pious people of early Islamic era.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck would only see good dreams. If it is inscribed on any wall of the house no calamity would befall on this house and its inmates, rather their prestige in the eyes of people would enhance.
If a frightened person writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean ater and drinks it, he would get rid of fear.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it in a bottle inside the house he would always see good dreams.
If a woman recites this surah in pregnancy, particularly during labour, she would not feel the pangs of delivery.
TA HA (20)
Whoso recites this surah regularly his record of deeds would be given in his right hand, his mistakes would be forgiven; and recompense to his heart’s contend would be given.
Whoso recites this surah would get recompense to the number of muhajirin and ansar.
Whoso writes this surah on a green silk cloth and wears it around the neck and goes to give an interview for marriage the result would be in his favour; or goes among two quarrelling groups they would stop fighting; or goes to meet a man of authority he would get fair treatment and farvourable results.

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