Friday, 14 November 2014

AK QARI-AH (101) to SUTE LAHAB (111)

 AK QARI-AH (101)
Whoso recites this surah often times Allah would keep him safe from Dajjal, antichrist, so he would not say yes to the call of Dajjal; he would also not go near the fire of hell, his good deeds would outweigh his sins at the time of reckoning.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and hangs it in the house, his poverty would go and prosperity would come in.
If the written text of this surah as a tawiz is put around the neck, failing business would suddenly become a highly profitable enterprise.
Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would remain in Allah’s protection, and hardships and worries of the grave would not trouble him.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats reward to be given to a hundred martyrs would be credited to his account, and if this surah is recited in supererogatory salats the reward would be equal to the reward of fifty martyrs.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats forty rows of angels would pray with him.
Whoso recites this surah would not be asked to give account of those favours he enjoyed in this world.
Whoso recites this surah at the time when it starts raining all his sins would be forgiven.
Whoso recites this surah at Asr time he would remain in Allah’s protection till the sunset next day.
Whoso recites this surah a voice is heard in the skies, saying: “Who is he who gives thanks to Allah like this man.”
AL ASR (103)
Whoso recites this surah in his optional salats Allah would raise him, on the day of judgement , with a smiling face and glittering eyes, ten virtues would be credited to his record of deeds; he would be among the companions of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, and eventually Allah would send him to paradise.
If this surah is recited over the place where valuables are kept concealed, these things would remain safe there, till the owner himself takes it out.
Whoso recites this surah in his optional salats Allah would remove his poverty and make easy for him earning of livelihood, keep him safe from accidental death; and virtues equal to the number of those who ridiculed the Holy Prophet and his companions would be credited to his account.
If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a man whose eyes are aching, the pain would be cured.
Recite this surah and breathe over the man who is a victim of an evil eye, the effects of the evil eye would disappear, inshallah.
AL FIL (105)
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats, plains, mountain trees and even the particles of sand would bear witness that he was a sincere prayer of salats, and on the day of judgement an announcer would announce:
“Allah has accepted the witnessing, you go to paradise without reckoning because Allah has accepted you as His friend and approved your deeds.”
In this world Allah would keep him safe from ignorable and mean qualities which transform a human being to a beast.
If this surah is recited over a weapon it would hit the target and destroy enemies’ weapons.
If this surah is recited and breathed over a person in trouble, his worries and troubles would disappear.
The reciter of this surah would always have an upper hand over his opponent.
The reciter of this surah is like him who has circumambulated holy Kabah and stayed in the holy masjid for continued prayers.
Whoso recites this surah often times, Allah would, on the day of judgement, give him one of the means of transport of paradise which would take him to a very slect part of paradise.
If this surah is recited over the food before eating it, it would not harm the eater; and it would have cure of every ailment, inshallah.
If this surah is recited over water and it is sprinkled over a man with a heart ailment whose cause is not known, Allah would cure this ailment.
AL MA-UN (107)
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and optional salats, his fasts and salats would, inshallah, be approved, and he would not be examined for the misdeeds he has done in the world; and in this world he would by protected by Allah as long as the zakat -payers are paying the zakat.
Whoso recites this surah a hundred times after the Fajr salat Allah would protect him till the next Fajr salat.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and optional salats Allah would give him, on the day of judgement, water from the river Kawthar to drink and he would be in the company of the Holy Prophet under the tree of Tuba, in paradise; and the virtues ten times the number of those who sacrifice animals on the day of hajj would be recorded in the record of his deeds.
He who recites this surah a hundred times on Friday night would, inshallah, see the Holy prophet in his dream.
Al Kafirun is one fourth part of the Quran.
After reciting this surah say: “I worship the one and only Allah, and my religion is Islam.”
Whoso recites surah al Ikhlas and this surah before going to sleep, Allah would never let polythism touch him.
Whoso recites this surah and sura al Ikhlas in any of his obligatory salats Allah would forgive his, his parents’ and his children’s sins, and if his name is written in the register of unfortunate and disobedient persons, it would be erased from it and written in the register of virtuous and fortunate people, and on the day of judgement he would be raised with the martyrs.
Teach your children this surah to recite at the time of going to sleep because no harm would come to the reciter while he is sleeping.
Whoso recites this surah, Shaytan does not come near him, and on the day of judgement Allah would dispel his fear and fright.
Whoso recites this surah ten times at daybreak and seeks fulfilment of his legitimate desires in this world or in the hereafter, Allah would hear and give him what he wants.
AL NASR (110)
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory or optional prayers, Allah would protect him from the mischief of his enemies; and on the day of reckoning he would have a document of safety in his hand in which it would be written that Allah has granted him safety from the heat of hell-fire. All along the way to paradise whoever meets him would congratulate him on his good fortune.
In this world also he would get good and bounties from sources of which he has no knowledge.
He would get reward like the man who was with the Holy Prophet on the day of the fall of Makka. If he recites it after surah al Fatihah in prayers his salat would be accepted.
AL LAHAB (111)
At the time of reciting this surah send la-nat (curse) on Abu Lahab who belied and opposed the Holy Prophet tooth and nail.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would not keep him and  Lahab in one place; and as Abu Lahab’s abode is hell, the reciter would live in paradise.
If this surah is recited before gong to sleep, Allah would keep him in His protection.
If a sick person recites this surah in bed his ailment would be cured.


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