Friday, 14 November 2014


Whoso recites this surah, Allah would not humiliate him on the day of reckoning when his record of deeds would be made known, then he would look at the Holy Prophet who would provide him protection.
If this surah is recited for a person who is suffering eye-sore or secreting tears, he would be cured inshallah.
To cure eye troubles write this surah on paper and hang around the neck of the patient.
Whoso recites this surah and surah al Inshiqaq in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, Allah would have a glance of mercy on him on the day of judgement throughout the progress of reckoning, would not humiliate him by disclsonig his hidden deeds, at the time of making known his record of deeds, and would forgive him.
If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a person who is under detention or in prison he would get his freedom and would also be free from fears and threats very soon.
Whoso recites this surah at the time when it rains, Allah would forgive him his sins equal to the drops of rain.
To remove eye-sore and improve eye sight recite this surah and breathe it over the eyes.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would keep him away from the fire of hell; he would not be questioned nor he would have to pass over the bridge of hell; he would go to paradise directly after drinking cool scented water.
If this surah is recited at the place where money, valueable articles and documents are kept, Allah would see that they remain safe from every possible calamity.
See (i) of 82.
Whoso recites this surah, his record of deeds would not be used against him.
If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a pregnant woman as a tawiz, she would deliver the child easily without delay; but as soon as the child comes out the tawiz should be removed at once because this surah would take out every thing from her inside.
If this surah is written on paper and hung as a tawiz for the protection of cattle they would remain safe from all calamities; if it is hung on the wall of a house it would remain safe from wild animals.
Whoso recites this bountiful surah would rise on the day of judgement among the prophets, messengers and virtuous servants of Allah; and Allah would give him reward ten times the number of those who prayed salat of Jumu-ah and were present of on the day of Arafa, and also keep him free from fear and hardship.
If the written text of this surah on paper is put around the neck of a child as a tawiz his weaning would be made easy.
Whoso recites this surah, while sitting on the bed, he would remain in Allah’s protection till morning.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats, Allah would bestow prestrige and position on him on the dayof judgement, virtues equal to the number of stars in the sky would be credited to his record of deeds; and he with his believing friends would go to paradise.
If this surah is writrten on a china plate, washed with clean water and with this washes a wound, the wound would heal and swelling would disappear.
If this surah is recited over an utensil and then medicine is given in it, pain would go away.
AL ALA (87)
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats it would be said to him: “Enter paradise from whichever door your like.”
Imam Ali ibn abi Talib used to recite this surah in his Isha salat. He said: “If you know the blessings of this su rah you will recite it 20 times every day. Whoso recites this surah it is as though he has recited the heavenly scriptures sent down on Musa and Ibrahim.”
Whoso recites this surah would receive reward equal to the number of each letter of the scriptures given to prophet Ibrahim, prophet Musa, and the holy Prophet.
If this surah is recited to remove pain in the ear or neck or heal a sickness, it would do so very soon. It would also cure piles, broken limb.
If written text of this surah is put around the neck of a person suffering piles, it would be cured very soon.
Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats, he would receive Allah’s mercy in this world and in the hereafter; he would be protected from the fire of hell, and he would have a smooth sailing during the reckoning.
If this surah is recited for a child (human or animal) who screams very much, he would get rid of this habit and have an ordinary life of a child.
If a person is suffering pain in a molar tooth or in the teeth recite this surah to remove pain, uneasiness.
If some one eats food after reciting this surah over it, Allah would keep him safe from any harm in the food.
If this surah is recited for a man who is straying he would come back on the right path.
AL FAJR (89)
Recite this surah in your obligatory and supererogatory salats because it is related to Imam Husayn, so the reciter would be in the company of Imam Husayn on the day of judgement and in paradise.
Moreover, Allah would forgive his sins equal in number to the reciters of this surah, and on the day of judgement a light would be with him. In this world he would remain in the protection of Allah for 24 hours after the recitation.
Whoso writes this surah on paper, and wears it around his neck as a tawiz and sleeps with his wife, Allah would give him a blessed and virtuous son who would be a source of comfort to him.
This written surah as a tawiz can also be put around the neck of the wife.
Whoso recites this surah would inshallah enjoy high reputation among the pious people in this world and in the next world live with the prophets and martyrs as their friend.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would keep him safe from His anger and displeasure and exempt him from the fire of hell.
If this surah is written on paper and put on around the neck of a new born child as a tawiz the child would inshallah remain safe from those ailments which usually afflict children, moreover the child would not cry much and fits would not attack him.
Whoso recites surahs al Shams, al Layl, al Zuha and al Inshirah on any day or any night, there is nothing which would not give witness for his recitation of these four surahs on the day of judgement, so much so that the reciter’s hair, face, blood, muscles and bones would give witness and everything on earth would come forward to stand witness for him. Then Allah would say: “I have accepted the evidence of all of you for my servant, now I send him to paradise. Whatever he likes will be given to him there, and more through My mercy and favour.”
Whoso recites this surah is like that very rich man who gives away in charity all that which he has; and if the reciter is not a man of means, Allah would provide for him favourable turn of circumstances and divine guidance, he would be guarded wherever he might be, many benefits would be made available to him; he would be a amiable and popular man among the people; Allah would increase his means of sustenance and he would be freed from losses, worries and poverty.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, wash it with clean water and drinks it, inshallah, his trembling would go away.
AL LAYL (92)
As (i) of (91)
Whoso recites this surah would receive from Allah gifts and benefits which would please him very much; all his worries and hardships would disappear; Allah would make him self-sufficient and well-to-do.
Whoso recites this surah 15 or 20 times before going to sleep, he would see pleasing dreams and no evil would come near him during his sleep, as he would be under Allah’s protection.
Whoso recites this surah in Isha or tahajjud salat is as if he has recited 1/4th of the holy Quran; Allah would accept this salat.
If this surah is recited in the ear of an unconscious person or an epileptic he would, inshallah, at once, become a normal man, regaining his senses.
AL ZUHA (93)
As (i) or (91)
Whoso recites this surah, it would intercede for him on the day of judgement; and virtues ten times the number of beggars and orphans who have lived in days gone by would be written in his record of deeds.
If this surah is written over the name of a person who has disappeared, inshallah, he would come back safe and sound.
If a person keeps something at some place and forgets to bring it with him, and recites this surah that thing would remain in Allah’s protection till he goes there and takes it.
As (i) of 91.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would give him safety and conviction.
Whoso recites this surah on the chest, every ailment in the chest such as palpitation of heart etcetera,, would be cured.
If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water and given to a person whose urine is not passing through, inshallah, after drinking it his urine would pass through easily.
If a patient suffering cold drinks this water inshallah he would be fully cured.
AL TIN (95)
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory and supererogatory salats Allah would send him to paradise.
Whoso recites this surah would receive reward from Allah, inshallah, beyond his imagination; he would be treated like a sahabi (companion) of the Holy Prophet; and he would live in paradise happy and fully satisfied.
If this surah is recited over the food before eating Allah would not let any harmful ingredient in it does any harm to the eater, even if it contains lethal poison.
AL ALAQ (96)
Whoso recites this surah and dies thereafter on the same day, he dies like a martyr and would have all the facilities a martyr, who had fought alongwith the Holy Prophet, has.
Whoso recites this surah would inshallah receive the reward given for reciting the whole Quran, and given to a warrior who fights in the cause of Allah.
Whoso recites this surah while travelling on a ship Allah would not let him drown if such a situation develops on the sea or river.
Whoso recites this surah over his storehouse or godown Allah would keep it safe from every kind of calamity, theft and pilferage; and if it is a treasure or safe his wealth and belonging would remain safe in it.
If a man recites this surah before going on a journey he would inshallah remain safe from calamities, hardships and worries during the journey.
AL QADR (97)
Whoso recites this surah in loud voice is like him who fights in the cause of Allah, and whoso recites it in slow voice is like him who has shed his blood in the cause of Allah; whoso recites this surah ten times in a single sitting his ten thousand sins would be forgiven.
To remain safe from dehydration take a new earthen utensil, fill it with clean water, recite this surah 30 times over it, then drink it; and also use it for wuzu.
Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would appoint an announcer who would announce: “O servant of Allah, all your past sins have been forgiven, now live like a pious Muslims.”
Whoso recites this surah, his reward would be equal to that man who fasts for the whole month of Ramzan; and whoso recites it in the night of
Qadr (laylatul qadr) is like him who fights in the cause of Allah; and if this surah is recited on the door a godown or a storehouse or a safe, the goods in it or belongings in the safe would remain under Allah’s protection, and save the owner no one would be able to take out anything from it.
Whoso recites this surah, he, alongwith his friends and helpers, would be the favourites of Allah on the day of judgement.
If this surah is written on a new and clean utensil and a person afflicted with facial paralysis continuously looks on it, Allah would free him from the paralysis.
Whoso recites this surah 15 times after the Isha salat, would remain in Allah’s protection till the next night, and if he recites 7 times every night, Allah would protect him till daybreak.
Whoso recites this surah over his gold, silver and jewelry Allah would increase his belongings and all his valuables would remain safe from theft and damage. The same would happen if this surah is recited over water and with it these valuables are washed and cleaned.
Whoso recites this surah becomes a staunch believer in tawhid, keeps no relation with polytheists, follows strictly laws given by the Holy Prophet, so on the day of judgement his reckoning would be very easy.
Whoso recites this surah, Imam Ali ibna abi Talib would take care of him on the day of judgement and keep him in his company.
As (vi) of (97)
If this surah is written on a loaf of bread and a suspected thief eats it he would confess at once. If the name of a suspected thief is written on a ring and this surah is recited over it, it would move if he is the thief.
If this surah is written on paper and put around the neck of a patient, suffering jaundice, as a tawiz, the disease would disappear, this tawiz would also cure whiteness in the eye and white spots on the body.
If this surah is written on a china plate, washed with clean water, and a pregnant woman drinks, her delivery would be easy, and the child would be born in very pleasant circumstances and would be loved and admired very much.
If this surah is written on a paper and put around the neck as a tawiz swelling of every kind would, inshallah, disappear.
Whoso recites this surah regularly in his supererogatory salats would never be in a place where an earthquake quakes, he would not die in an earthquake or by a lightning, nor he would die on account of any calamity, till he dies a natural death; and when he is going to die an angel would come and sit near his head and say to Izrail; “treat him kindly since he is a favourite of Allah, as he used to remember Allah very much.” Along with angel this surah would also say the same words. Izrail would say that Allah has also commanded him not to take out his soul without his permission. When the reciter sees the place allotted to him in paradise, he would give permission to Izrail to take out his soul. He would die a very peaceful death. After death seventy thousand angels would take him to paradise. At the time of entering into paradise Allah would say: “My servant you are a decoration for My paradise, live wherever you like. All the facilities of paradise are at your disposal.”
Whoso recites this surah would get reward of a man who has recited one fourth Quran.
As (iv) of 97.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz and goes to a man of authority his fear of that man-in-authority would disappear and he would come out fully satisfied from the interview.
As (vi) of 97.
Whoso recites this surah regularly Allah would raise him on the day of judgement with special companions of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, and he would move in their company all the time.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would give him reward equal to the man who has recited the whole Quran.
Whoso recites this surah regularly all his debts would be repaid in full.
If this surah is recited for a frightened person his fright and fear would disappear and his safety would be guaranteed.


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