Friday 14 November 2014

ANBIYA (21) to SURE RUM (30)

Whoso sincerely recites this surah would live in paradise among the prophets of Allah; and in this world would command respect.
Whoever writes this surah on the skin of a dear and sleeps with it on his body, he would see nice and pleasing dreams.
Whoso writes this surah on the skin of a deer and wears it like a tawiz a little below the chest, would not wake unless it is removed; and in this manner sick can be cured; and whoso cannot sleep (insomnia) on account of worries, fear or pain, would get rid of these troubles.
HAJJ (22)
Whoso recites this surah for 3 days consecutively, will go to Kabah to do hajj or umrah within a year, and if dies in the journey will go to paradise.
Whoso recites this surah would be given recompense equal to hajj and umrah performed from the beginning to the day of judgement.
If this surah is written on the skin of a deer and washed with water and sprinkled on the seat of a tyrant or oppressor, his rule would come to an end.
(i) Whoso recites this surah Allah helps him to live a purely virtuous and fortunate life.
Whoso recites this surah on every Friday regularly he would dwell in the most privileged part of paradise near the prophets of Allah and at the time of death tranquillity would prevail in his soul and heart.
To get rid of the habit of drinking wine and other intoxicants write this surah on a piece of cloth, make a tawiz and hang it around the neck of the habitual person, inshallah very soon he would be free for ever from this accursed curse.
NUR (24)
To safeguard the purity and chastity of your children recite this surah regularly; and this recitation would keep the women folk of your house safe from waywardness; and by recitation of this surah everyday regularly no one from among the family would get into trouble till death; and after his death seventy thousand angels would accompany his body upto the grave, and pray for his salvation.
Whoso recites this surah his recompense would be ten times more than the believing men and believing women.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it under the pillow, he would not see sensual dreams.
Whoso recites this surah every night would never be punished and on the day of reckoning he would not be questioned, and would go into paradise to live in a privileged area.
SHU-ARA (26)
Whoso recites all the 3 continuous surahs (Shu-ara, Naml, Qasas) every Friday night would be counted as a friend of Allah, live in the neighbourhood of Allah, would get what he wants to full satisfaction, beyond imagination.
Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of believing men and believing women; he would come out from the grave reciting LA ILAHA ILLALLAHI (there is no god save Allah).
Whoso recites this surah at daybreak, it would be as though he has recited all the divine scriptures.
Whoso writes it on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it, would be cured if inflicted with a disease.
If this surah is written on paper as a tawiz and hung around the neck of a white cock, let it go, it would go on walking and stop at a place if there is a treasure buried underneath or there is water.
If this surah is regularly recited nothing would be stolen from the house of the reciter, nor he would be drowned or burned.
NAML (27)
Se (i) of 26.
Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues equal to ten times of the number of those who belied prophets Hud, Salih, Ibrahim; he would come out of the grave reciting LA ILAHA ILLALLAH.
Whoso writes this surah on the skin of a deer and keeps it in the house, neither snake, nor scorpion,nor worms, nor rabid dog, nor wolf would come in the house, nor any pain would inflict him.
QASAS (28)
See (i) of 26.
Whoso recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of those who testified and belied prophet Musa; and on the day of judgement each and every angel would testify the truthfulness of the reciter.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it all his sorrows, pains and worries would disappear.
If there is swelling and pain in the stomach, or an ailment in the liver, write this surah on a china plate, wash it with rain water, and drink it, inshallah the patient would be fully cured.
Whoever recites this surah and surah Rum during the 23rd night of the month of Ramazan would, without exception, live in paradise, in the hereafter; and there is no doubt that these recitations would be recorded as good deeds.
Whoever recites this surah would be credited with virtues ten times more than the number of believing men and believing women, hypocrite men and hypocrite women.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water, and drinks it, it would cure shivering fever (malaria), cold, and intermittent pain for ever; and whoso washes his face with it, the face would shine bright.
Whoso recites this surah, lying on the bed, and rubbing gently the navel, would have a sound sleep.
RUM (30)
See (i) of 29.
Whoso recites this surah, the recompense is ten times more than the number of angels who are continuously the praises of Allah.


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