Friday, 14 November 2014


Whoever recites this surah either in day or night Allah would multiply his means of livelihood, and after death his grave would remain lit up till the day of judgement; he would be credited with virtues ten times the number of blowings of the winds in his life time.
To cure stomach ache write this surah on a china plate, wash it with clean water and drink it.
If this surah is written on a piece of paper and put around a pregnant woman, her delivery would be normal and easy.
If this surah is recited when a dying man is undergoing pangs of death, he would die a peaceful death.
AL NAJM (52)
Whoever recites this surah regularly would command respect from the people and be a very popular figure, they praise and glorify him.
Allah would credit him with virtues ten times the number of those who had testified the Holy Prophet.
Whoever writes this surah on a lion’s skin and wears it around the neck as a tawiz would face boldly the men-in-authority and stand his ground before them; would always have an upper hand over Shaytan; his opponents would be over powered and defeated with the power Allah that He would give him.
Whoso recites this surah would rise on the day of judgement with a face as bright as the moon of the 14th night. It is advisable to recite this surah every night.
Whoso writes this surah on paper (on Friday) and wears it around the neck, would be a very popular figure among the people and would command respect and love; and his affairs would be made easy and simple.
It is commendable to recite this surah after tahajjud salat as many times as there is:
[Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you both belie?]
[None of the bounties of my Lord, I belie.]
Do not miss recitation of this sruah, recite it frequently because on the day of judgement it would take the form of a human being and stand nearest to the almighty Lord and point out, when commanded, those who had recited it in their life of the world. Their faces then would shine bright. Allah would ask them to recommend for salvation whomever they like, then they would go into paradise to dwell wherever they like.
Only the hypocrites are averse to this sruah.
If after reciting this surah the reciter dies, he dies the death of a martyr.
Allah would have pity on a reciter if he is old and weak and bestow bounties on him.
Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz, Allah would make his difficult tasks easy, and if he is having sore eyes he would be fully cured; he would remain in peace, safety and protection.
If its written text is hanged in the house the dwellers of the house would remain safe from harmful animals.
Whoso recites this surah every Friday night Allah would like him and he would become a popular and likeable person among the people, he would never face severe hardship, destitution, poverty and starvation in this world, nor any calamity would befall on him; he would be counted among the friends of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib, because this surah was specifically revealed for him, and no one shares it with him.
By reciting this surah the reciter may have an idea about paradise, just as by reciting surah al sajdah and surah Luqman the conditions of hell can be visualised.
Whoso goes to sleep after reciting this surah would go before the almighty Lord with a face shining like the full moon on the day of reckoning; and he would not be a careless person.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and keeps it in the house, good and prosperity would increase.
Whoso recites this surah, poverty and missery would disappear from his life, and there would be plenty of sustenance, protection, good opportunity and wealth.
If this surah is recited on a dead body Allah would forgive his sins, and if it is recited on a dying person he would not suffer death pangs.
If a person recites surah al Hadid and surah al Mujadilah in his obligatory salats regularly Allah would not punish him so long as he lives in this world; neither he nor his family would face any trouble or worry, nor he would be afflicted with a detestable disease.
Whoever recited any surah which begins with sabbahanallah (glory be to Allah) or with yasabbihullah(they glorify Allah) would not die until he has the honour of seeing the Imam al Qa-im, and after death he would live in the neighbourhood of the Holy Prophet.
Whoso recites this surah Allah would exempt him from punishment and would bestow bounties on him in paradise; and if a regular reciter is chained with handcuffs and shackles, he would be set free by divine strategy.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears around the neck as a tawiz no weapon made of steel would harm him in normal life, and if he is a fighting soldier, in the battlefield, and he would fight fearlessly with utmost courage.
If an ammunition storehouse burst and goes in flames, he who is there should recite this surah to come out safe and sound.
See (i) of 57.
Whoso recites this surah would get deliverance on the day of judgement.
If this surah is recited for a sick man, near him, he would be fully cured; or a tawiz with the written text of this surah is hung around his neck he would be cured.
If any valuabel article or document is kept or buried in safe place recite this sruah. It would remain safe there until its owner takes it out.
If this surah is recited near a sick man he would have a peaceful sleep.
Whoso recites this surah regularly his property would remain safe from thieves and burglars.
If this surah is written on paper and kept near the grains or seeds inshallah, the harmful pests, insects and rodents would not come near to destroy them.
Whoso recites this sruah, all the dwellers of paradise, the seven heavens, the seven earths, and also arsh, kursi, hijab, angels, space, winds, birds, trees, mountains, sun, moon would seek forgiveness and safety for him, and if he dies on that day or night he would die a martyr.
Whoso recites this surah during Friday night would remain safe from all calamities till monring.
Whoso prays a 4 rak-at salat and recites this surah after reciting surah al Fatihah in every rak-at would achieve success and fulfilment in whatever legitimate activitity he undertakes.
Whoso writes this surah on paper and wears it around his neck as a tawiz all his legitimate needs would be fulfilled.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water would get rid of forgetfulness and his i.q. would go in higher grades.
Whoso recites this surah regularly in his obligatory and supererogatory salats,Allah would fill his heart with belief, make his eyes bright, increase his intelligence, keep poverty, destitution in sanity from him.
Whoso recites this surah angels seek forgiveness and safety for him; if he dies on the same day he would die a martyr,   believers would seek his intercession on the day of reckoning.
Whoso writes this surah on a china plate, washes it with clean water and drinks it (three consecutive days) no disease of spleen would afflict him, and it would cure if he is suffering from any disease of spleen


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